
Put a pin in it

How I use Pinterest to help me shop less and restyle more

If you’ve not got Pinterest: get it. I don’t think I know anybody who doesn’t have it but still… there may be some of you out there. 

Pinterest is basically a big digital mood board. So, you know when you were a kid and you cut pictures out of magazines and made collages (I know I’m not the only one who did this), well Pinterest has meant we can put down the scissors and Pritt Stick. 

I’m not reinventing the wheel here; I know they’ll be tons of people who already have their Pinterest boards bulging with inspo. But allow me to elaborate anyway. 

So I use Pinterest to pin outfit ideas to, and also interiors, kids haircuts & cheese jokes, but as usual I digress. So if I see an outfit I like, be it on Instagram, shopping apps or on a celeb, I will pin a picture of the outfit and add it to my board. 

The plan isn’t to go and buy whatever it is I’ve seen. I use it primarily as inspiration when I’ve hit a style wall and need some fresh ideas. I can guarantee that about 80% of what I have pinned can be recreated using my existing wardrobe. Granted, it won’t be identical, but who wants to rip off someone’s look anyway; you’ve always got to inject a little bit of yourself. 

At the moment there’s a photo on there of Dua Lipa in mid wash mom jeans with a red crop top and chunky black boots. I’ve got all of those things. I haven’t thought to put them together before. Hurrah, new outfit, no money spent.  

If I do pin something that I definitely don’t have; like the time I saw a H&M ad of some leopard cycling shorts and a neutral blazer, then I’ll keep it on there and try to track down something similar for as little as possible. I found the cycling shorts on the H&M app and added them to my saved items. Two weeks later they went in the sale for £4. Yessss! (Another top tip; be patient)! Enthused by my savviness I mooched through the sale section for a blazer and found a cream and beige one for £9. It wasn’t the one from the ad but who gives a shit. I’d ripped off an outfit I loved and only spent £13 in the process. 

So yes, pin away. Ideally, not as an excuse to save stuff you’re going to splurge on, but as a way to add some heat to a wardrobe you thought had gone cold. If you think about how many clothes you own and the amount of outfit combos you could legitimately come up with, it’s no surprise you can’t think of, let alone remember, all of them.  

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