
Writer’s Blog: Get Your Copy Write

We’ve all got that friend haven’t we? (Well I haven’t actually because it’s me). The one who points out when you’ve got ‘their’ and ‘there’ mixed up. Let’s be honest, you usually want to punch them in the face but you know they’re right and it’s annoying when you get stuff like that wrong.

Grammar obsessives are everywhere, but even the people who approach the English language in a more measured way will still often spot a typo. An odd bit of syntax might not be obvious to everyone but it will still stop the flow of the text and make what you are saying seem irksome not inspiring.

Which is why having a copywriter or a proof-reader can be the difference between blowing it or blowing an audience away. Copywriting might not seem like a priority but getting your copy write definitely should be.

Words are so much more powerful when used properly and whilst you might definitely know what you want to say, sometimes a professional opinion can show you the best way to say it. It doesn’t matter what the subject is, if the words bang and crash all over the page, readers will want to look away. But if they invite you in, if they tease at what is to come and then melodically build into a blistering crescendo, your audience will be listening long after the words have stopped.

Think about it! And if you decide that the right copy needs writing for you, you can find me here.

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